Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tonal Analysis

       The song "We found Love "by Rihanna shifts the perspective of the meaning by using different types of tones such as optimistic and gloomy.

Rihanna is very optimistic throughout the song.  She speaks of the love in her dark place that she has found. . In the start of the song the music is very upbeat happy. Her pitch gets higher while it doesn't completely change the direction of the song to me it seems when the pitch is raised higher in a song it could mean more importance not sad maybe a little happy. Sometimes it even means nervousness or being scared.
When you talk your pitch changes due to what is going on around you and what is happening when you talk. Just like in songs artists express their emotions through voice; through singing. Just like when people talk when artists' sings their voices also change depending on their emotion. Rihanna repeats "We found love in a hopeless place" over and over.  Why out of all the phrases does she choose this one?
Throughout the song is also is very gloomy. Though it is a happy song in between the lines if you read it is also a dark place. With no exception. No love. It is hard to get out of a place where not one wants you. It is a dark song despite its very upbeat melody.

It was important to repeat this verse because I believe this song is about the pressures of being in a normal heterosexual relationship. It speaks of the pain someone goes through trying to figure out that its ok to be gay. "We found love in a hopeless place" means that in a time of pain and darkness they found love. Many people today are confused on who they are what they like who they love. When they find love in a place without love it is happiness for them it bring them hope. This song shows the all those confused people out there that there is hope you can find love no matter how dark your world is.

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